Of bees, beekeepers and high school studentsDes abeilles, des apiculteurs et des collégiens
During the year 2010-2011, I did a scientific residency (called In Situ) in the middle high school Léon-Jouhaux in the…
Thaï Beetle fightingCombats de scarabées en Thaïlande
In 2007, Stéphane Rennesson, Emmanuel Grimaud and I went to the field to study a popular Thai activity : beetle…
Jars of BorneoLes jarres de Bornéo
Stoneware jars have been present in Borneo since the 16th century, the oldest examples being of Chinese origin, and the…
The white manna of the Saône RiverLa manne blanche des riverains de la Saône
While hot days have led to a multiplication of the number of foreign species invasions, emblematic invertebrates of plain rivers,…